High Temperatures - High Pressures

Instructions for Authors

Submission of manuscripts. Contributions should be sent in triplicate to the editor (John Redgrove, National Physical Laboratory, Queens Road, Teddington, Middlesex TW11 0LW, UK) or to one of the members of the advisory editorial board familiar with the subject matter of the paper. Submission of a paper implies that it reports unpublished work and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere without the consent of the publishers. The preferred language of the journal is English, but manuscripts will also be accepted in French or German.

Nomenclature. It is recommended that the authors follow IUPAP and IUPAC rules with regard to nomenclature, symbols, and abbreviations. The SI system of units should be used.

Style. Authors are urged to write as clearly as possible, with emphasis on what they judge to be of greatest importance. Notation must be consistent and unambiguous, and the units of all variables in empirical equations must be clearly defined.

Presentation. Manuscripts should be typed in double line spacing, preferably in A4 format (21 cm x 30 cm), with a wide margin (4 cm), and the pages should be numbered. Alterations to the text may present problems once the paper is set for printing and authors are requested to check their typescripts most carefully before submission. If a word-processor is not used, italic words (but not symbols) should be underscored with a straight line; bold symbols should be underscored with a wavy line. Authors should indicate in the margin any special type required (Greek, script, bold) the first time it is used. Great care should be taken in differentiating between capital and lowercase characters (s and S, c and C, p and P, etc), Latin and Greek characters (k and kappa, p and rho, w and omega, etc), and letters and numerals (l and 1, z and 2, etc).

Abstract. All papers should be preceded by a brief abstract (of about 200 words) in English.

Figures and illustrations. Figures should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper and identified with the author's name and the figure number outside the reproduction area. When hand-drawn, diagrams and graphs should be in black ink, with all lettering omitted, two or three times the size they are to appear in print and the lines should be such that after reduction they will be about 0.2 mm thick. Figure dimensions should not exceed 25 cm x 40 cm but it is useful to remember that 6-8 cm is a convenient final width for simple graphs. Laser-printed figures are also acceptable, but better reproduction quality can be achieved if they are also supplied on disk (in .tif format). Photographs must be of first-class quality and on glossy paper. If lettering is required on either figures or photographs, it should not appear on the original but should be provided either as an overlay or on a duplicate copy. Figure captions should be listed on a separate sheet. Tables should also be numbered and typed on separate sheets. The approximate position of the figures and tables in the text should be indicated. Small copies or prints of all the figures should be provided for the use of referees.

References. References in the text should give the surname of the author and the year of publication in parentheses, for example Attneave (1935) or (Attneave 1935) followed by a, b, ... when two or more references to work by the same author(s) are given for the same year. At the end of the text the references should be listed in alphabetical order of authors' names and in chronological order for each author. Titles of papers and the names of periodicals should be given in full, with initial and final page numbers. The publisher and town of publication should be given for books. Examples of reference citation are given below:
Fahy S, Louie S G, Gowan M L, 1986 Phys. Rev. B 34 1191-1199
Finello D, 1982 Interfacial Behavior of Graphite-Aluminium Composites PhD thesis, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
Fritsche H, 1955, in Solid State Physics Ed. L Marton (New York: Academic Press) pp 145-160
Gurvich L V, Veitz I V, Medvedev V A, 1982 Termodinamicheskie Svoistva Individual'nykh Veshchestv (Thermodynamic Properties of Individual Substances) (Moscow: Nauka)
Ornellas D L, 1982, "Calorimetric determination of the heat and products of detonation for explosives: October 1961 to April 1982", LLNL report UCRL-52821, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA
Otani S, 1982, Japanese Patent 57-1001 186
Ziman J M, 1972 Principles of the Theory of Solids second edition (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) pp 113-118
Proofs and reprints. The proofs should be returned without delay and alterations kept to a minimum. Fifty reprints will be provided free of charge.

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